Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mostly Books


Just like a lot of books, there's no new plots in life. Our blog has just been linked to from an older new-bookshop-blog. Which itself refers to an even older new-bookshop-blog. Now, Simon is the smarter blogger of the two of us, and he could probably do some clever linky type things right back at them, but he's on hol... (I forgot I said I wouldn't mention that again.)

Now, as I am sure you're all aware, I am new to this blogging type thing so I will be reading these two bookshop blogs and stealing outrageously from them. (A bit like most of my marketing ideas - nuff said)

So anyway, this (Mostly Books) is the lovely and, for me, uplifting blog from Mark and Nicki.

And this is the older new-bookshop-blog, to which they refer. (If the links don't work. I wouldn't be at all surprised)

Both started as "Let's start a bookshop right here in the barn" style blogs - a bit like ours. And both are now "We've got a bookshop and we're gonna use it" type blogs. Just like ours will be very shortly with luck..... (All things crossed, all dead trees groped. Black felines, ladders and single magpies avoided. And no mention of Macbeth.... bugger)

Seriously these guys deserve praise. They made it work, and are continuing to make it work. Long live Independence!!!


  1. Just to say I found your blog via Susan Hill's. I used to be deputy manager of an independent bookshop not a million miles from Wood Green and have just had a major career shift and am now teaching infants in a Wood Green school.
    I'm so out of touch with books now it's weird. I want to wish you all the luck in the world. I think you are mad but you deserve to succeed. Please succeed!
    (If you want to know what it's like teaching 29 five and six year olds I have my own blog...)

  2. just wanted to say hi, and that I found your blog via Matthew at Crockatt & Powell (a favourite haunt at lunchtime). I've just moved into Wood Green and am crossing everything that you succeed. Looking forward to the opening - whenever that may be!
    Best of luck guys.

  3. May you succeed and succeed and may the rise of indy bookshops rise and rise and rise.

  4. BTW, I think asking for donations is a stroke of genius. Wish we'd thought of that!
