Friday, December 07, 2007

This is all i've got


Booze and Cakes

I've been out all day and i'm off to bed now. I've had a lovely day and i'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Keep voting for the font. IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE FONTS CLEARLY PRESS THE THING UNDERNEATH THAT SAYS 'PRESS HERE FOR A BETTER VIEW OF THE FONTS'. I can't beleive you're still voting for number 4 after all I said!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Simon,

    Hope you're well! Things are picking up on the 'Pick our font/logo' contest. No, I didn't pick No. 4- my least favorite. Which is your favorite or you can't really say?

    I really hope you pick the one/people vote that you like as it's your shop and you've got to live with it happily.

    Too much democracy is bad...:o)))
