Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's a Media Circus!


I don't mean Jeremy Paxman in tights, flying through the air, or George Alagiah throwing custard pies at Moira Stewart as she gets fired out of a cannon (although i'd pay good money to see it), I mean we're in The Guardian. And, i'd say with some understatement, that i'm fairly pleased about this.
So, hello newcomers to this blog, and thanks for visiting us.

As regular visitors will know, the routine de jour is that Tim is now trying to get hold of our business advisor to find out what progress is being made (a bit). I'll be giving our solicitor a ring after midday, to ascertain a similar thing (can you leave a message). We'll be keeping you posted, as the day progresses.
It's Getting Pretty Close Now.
'yeah, yeah, sure it is!'
Who Said That?


  1. If getting into the Guardian's not 'making it',then i don't know what is! Congratulations, guys! Hope it's not going to be too long now...

  2. Hey, just read all about you. Best of luck!

  3. Best of British fellas! Will try to drag friends through your doors...
