Thursday, January 31, 2008

Trees, Faxes, and Diamond Geezers


OK, the solicitor's back in today. Tim spoke to him this morning, and he's on the case. There's a fax that'll be sent to him 'in the next 48 hours' which he then needs to pass onto the bank (by fax). Once that's done, I really really think that it's just a matter of sorting out a date to exchange.

In completely unrelated news, I'm part of Noel Park (it's in Wood Green) residents association. Firstly because I live there, secondly, rather than just moaning about stuff all the time, I think that sometimes actually doing something is probably more constructive, and thirdly because I love Wood Green.
Anyway, the Residents Association applied for a grant to improve the area, and it was approved by the lovely council. So there was a few thousand pounds for improving one of the local parks, and there was some money to plant some trees down some of the roads in the area. Our road is treeless and I asked if we could have some planted near our flat. And a couple of days ago I was interrupted by the sound of drilling and banging outside. But it was good drilling and banging, because look!!

Yes, it's a tree. One of three in our part of the road. It may look small now, but Katie I been entrusted to look after it, and we will. And you know what they say, 'Great Oaks, from little Acorns grow' or in this case Great Silver Birches.
I imagine it like this in ...years time

I suppose you could say me and Tim are acorns....

It's raining here in Wood Green....a lot. I'm out of coffee. My shoes have holes in them. What a dilemma.

They've just had the first confirmed act for Glastonbury this year
I wonder if the audience will be any different


  1. I have to confess, I've walked past #59 a couple of times on my way home and thought, ooh, that house is on the internet. I'll keep an eye out for the tree.

  2. Ooooh! It's all getting a bit exciting now, isn't it? Hope it's not too far into February when you walk into the Big Green Bookshop for the first time as official keepers. Fingers crossed for you down here!

  3. oooh very exciting - we live just next to the Noel Park area in the lesser known Scotch estate - off Eldon Road, we have no trees down our road either. It'll be nice to see these fellas growing - I'll keep an eye out :) Maybe it'll be as cool as the Morley Road tree

  4. shell, The Morley Road tree is great isn't it. I wouldn't mind that outside my front window.
    One day..

  5. Scotch estate has recently had trees planted - yay!

  6. I know brilliant isn't it! I pestered the guys putting them in down our road to find out what they all were - I have too much time on my hands clearly :)
