Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day Off


I have a day off. So what shall I do?
  1. Go into the shop on the pretence that I thought Tim might not have any milk.
  2. E-mail half a dozen authors requesting their company over the next 3 months
  3. Go through April and May's new titles to make sure that we have all we need.
  4. write 5 reviews for the shop.
  5. put together a list of things to remember for Wednesday's book fair
  6. Go through the new title offers from Leading Edge
  7. put together an order from Baker and Taylor (U.S. book distributors)
  8. put an order together for more graphic novels, poetry and history.
  9. order craft stuff for next Saturday's Easter Eggstravaganza from e-bay.
  10. write this blog


BTW yesterday was another great day in the shop (as Mark from Mostly Books would describe it 'a four figures on the till' day), and long may it continue.

I've finally bowed to public pressure and removed the music from the blog. If I can find a widget which allows the reader to choose to listen rather than just plays the music then it'll come back, but apparently silence is golden. Maybe tomorrow.....


  1. I loved the music ... but I do understand that people want to be able to choose whether or not to listen. It's just that, to me, you always chose something so apt for each day's dilemma ... and I loved that.

  2. Hi
    I LOVED the music widget, and have been trying to make my own selection downloadable ever since (duh!) Loved your selection too, when there was more than just the one track on there....bring back the music! They can always turn the sound down -
    Congrats on those figures lads - see you soon.

  3. Personally, an essential part of my day was looking forward to loading this blog up and forgetting to pause the Littlest Hobo, just for the very face that it drowns out the crap like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance my girlfriend is watching on TV...

    I had something similar on my blog a while back, with music videos playing automatically on the side. I left 'Roll On' by The Living End on there for weeks because I couldnt be arse changing it and I got loads of emails complaining.

  4. I'm one of th ebah humbug types who didnt like the music - mainly as soon as I pu the pc on I immediaitley set my meida player to random only to look at the pc confused when I logged on the site as litlest hobo merged with joy division of something ... and believe me although this may sound liek a caste iron hit the reality is slightly more annoying

  5. Yes, the music got rather irritating (on some days) and it was a tad stressful having to to turn off the player first thing when entering the blog....
    Sorry but silence is truly golden...
