Friday, September 19, 2008

Arrggh, shiver me timbers.

Yes, it's national talk like a pirate day today.


'awight geezer, wanna buy a DVD for a fiver. I got a bootful mate, no word of a lie'


'excuse me, I seem to have scurvy, and my teeth are falling out'

no, no that's not the spirt is it?

Alright me hearties, feast you eyes on this lovely trincketBACK


Aye, ye be right in thinking that this here is The Big Green Bookshop loyalty card. Not so hasty, me luvlies, it's not for the likes of you landlubbers. This is just for the littluns. They likes the worm in the pirate get up, they do. So what do ye think of the booty in front of ye?
It's worth many doubloons to the young pirates in the Good Ship Haringey, and any scallywag who thinks it's a waste of time, will be forced to walk the plank. Aye, we'll feed them to the fish we will, you mark my words.

And what have we here me hearties? Why it's our first young Bookenier. Aye, this young whippersnapper's name is Emily Bogue, and she jumped on board on Wednesday. Aaargh many a shanty was sang that day, me lovelies.

So, here's the thing then. You know and young'un who wants to be a Bookenier? It doesn't cost a sheckle to join, and think of all the doubloons you'll save.


  1. damnit! every year I miss out on talk like a pirate day!

  2. Damn! I bought a boat especially for talk like a pirate day and then I forget! I was on the boat all day, too!
    I wonder why One-Legged Jim didn't remind me? (Yes, I really know a One-Legged Jim)
