Thursday, July 16, 2009

Work Experience

Hi. My name is Jess Allen, I'm 15, I go to Alexandra Park School and for the past two weeks I have been doing my work experience at the Big Green Bookshop. I have helped with ordering books, Packing books, writing reviews about books and now writing on the blog. I also restocked the shop with milk. Over the two weeks I have met publishers and even the occasional author. The point of work experience is to see a glimpse of the real world, learn about the working environment, gain new skills and the best one as I see it, to get out of school two weeks before everyone else.
It has been really good. I've learnt everything I'd hoped to add a few extras.
Simon, Tim and Mark have all helped me get to grips with working in a shop and they have all been(in Simon's favourite word)lovely. If you've visited the shop recently then you may have seen me around. Perhaps the most interesting thing for me has been the choices in books. Biggest sellers, rarer buys and then the usual customers who are interested in particular genres. I couldn't tell you why I find it interesting. Honestly don't know but I've learnt a lot which is the main point.
Overall, work experience has been a great experience.
I hope you enjoy this blog,
I know I haven't provided the usual wit and humour you are used to with Simon's but I've done my best.
Thank you and I will return to the bookshop in the near future to buy books.


  1. I find normal to be interested in what other people read.
    I think it is stranger to be interested in the shopping of people queueing with you at the supermarket... I do it

  2. I found this an interesting post, Jess. In very few words you managed to share a lot about yourself and conveyed a sense of the experience. Maybe you're a writer in the making? I'm sure the guys in the bookshop were delighted to have you on board. It sounds as though you've had an interesting time anyway. Hope to see you around the Big Green Bookshop one day. I'm not local, but am looking forward to visiting on 30th July (as an 'occasional author'!)
