Thursday, March 04, 2010

Please Allow Me to Indulge myself

may I introduce you to Ollie. He's now 2 days old and Katie and I are rather fond of him.

He was a bit of a whopper, weighing in at 9lbs 10oz, and Katie being somewhat petite, this was quite a surprise.

It was all a bit scary at one point, but it all turned out perfectly and we we're all home in time for tea on Tuesday.

He's now two days old and he can recite pi to ten decimal points and has been picked as a wildcard for Wimbledon this year.
Freya seems to like him too.

Please don't feel shy about sending free books or wine to the shop. Unlike Perks from the Railway children, we love it when people buy us things....

More later, but I thought you'd like to know.


  1. Congratulations, he's gorgeous!

  2. Awwww, coooo, sweet, *sigh*

  3. Ahhh...well done the both of you! x

  4. Bit belated here, but congratulations to you all. Almost getting broody here...

  5. Many congratulations, Simon and Katie! I hope Freya continues to like him... little brothers can be annoying (though he doesn't sound very little - ouch!)

  6. Many congratulations, he does look gorgeous. The extra weight is to deal with his big sister of course. Big congratulations from Alex (6) and Timothy (3). Tim's a big supporter of bookshop babies...

  7. Congratulations to all of you.

    Best wishes

