Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Reading Group, Storytelling Fun & Bookshop on Tour

On Fridays at 11.00am Tim and I do storytelling and songs at the bookshop for the under 5's. This started off  about 8 months ago as something that 2 or 3 toddlers came to. They seemed to enjoy it and we have persevered in the hope that more people would get to hear about it and come along. Especially when they hear about the tea, coffee and flapjack that is on offer each week.
This has slowly happened and we're now getting between 6 and 10 parents coming along each week with their little ones.
It's great fun and I think that Tim and I aren't too bad at the old storytelling and songs stuff.
Last Friday was the first Friday of the Easter holidays and we wondered if this would mean more or less people would come along.


Tim is the one with the unacceptable shirt on, playing the guitar.
It was amazing and half the shop was taken over by this fun packed hour.
If you're in the area on Fridays and fancy a break from the chaos of Wood Green High Road, you know where to come. We'll (i'll) be singing and storytelling this Bank Holiday Friday, so come and help me with the high notes.

After it was suggested by some of our customers we are starting two new reading groups.

Firstly we are reintroducing our Children's Reading Group.
We had one after we opened, which worked really well..until some of the kids that came to it got too old and the gap between the youngest and the oldest was too big.
Well, we're going to ty again.
The Group will be ideally aimed at those kids with a reading age of 8-11, but of course there is some flexibility here. Obviously you'll enjoy reading and are happy talking to other people about the books you like.
We'll be meeting on the second Saturday of every month at 10.30am at the bookshop.
The first meeting will be Saturday May 14th, and at this meeting we'll introduce ourselves and talk about how we want the group to work. We'll then each choose a book that we want people to read. The book chosen from this list will be the book that we will read over the next month to talk about on the meeting on Saturday June 11th.
I hope this makes sense.
So, if you know someone who likes reading, is around 8-11 years old and might enjoy meeting and chatting with other 8-11 year old who also like reading, then let them know about our new reading group.

OK, the next thing is a bit crazy, but stick with it.

The Big Green Bookshop is GOING ON TOUR.

We love how the Portable Bookshop in Crouch End seems to be working, so we thought, hey, maybe there are other places in London that could do with a bit of Big Green Bookshop frolics and fiddledeedees.
The hope is that over June/July each day we'll set up a portable bookshop in a cafe, restaurant, pub, supermarket, club, church, optician, school, office. Wherever you think it would be good to have a bookshop basically. Ideally, we want to go to places where there isn't an Indie Bookshop already (we don't want to start any turf wars), and is somewhere where you think a pop up bookshop might be a positive thing.
The places where the Portable Bookshop currently visits are really pleased as it's bringing in more people to their premises and this is a good thing.
If you know a place or own a place that might be interested in hosting a pop up Big Green Bookshop over the summer let me know. We'll be very noisy about it, I promise.
020 8881 6767
or email here
This could be amazing.

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