Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012. The Year of 100 Events (well 402 actually)

Oi. Hello.
That thing we posted last Friday about the ...ometer. Yes, that picture (it was a shoddy picture, I know) of a thermometer type thing.
Well, here's what the ....ometer is going to count..
We are going to try to put on 100 events this year.. 100. ONE HUNDRED.
Now look, this does not include our regular meet ups.
So it doesn't include;

Our stories and song for the under 5's every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (156 times a year)
Our Writers Group who meet every fortnight (26 times)
The Local Market which we hold on the third Sunday of each month (12 times).
Our knitting club that meets on the first Sunday of each month (12 times)
Our boardgames club that meet on the last Sunday of each month (12 times a year).
Our Book Group that meets on the second Tuesday of each month (12 times)
Our Kids book group that meets on the third Saturday of each month (12 times a year).
Our new Photography club that is meeting once a month too (12 times a year).
The Working Title Comedy Club, our monthly comedy night, 3rd Friday of each month (12 times)
Our once monthly Poetry Night. (12 times a month).
Our Monthly Quiz (12 times a year).
The Graphic Novel Book Group, first Thursday of month (12 times a year).

No, not those. Not those 302 events.

What we're talking about is the author events, the outside the shop stuff, the launches, the school studge. All that stuff.
The reason we're doing this is because we'd like to keep a record of what we've done. We love doing events and reckon this is a great way to keep track of what's been going on this year. The blog is good for this, as is Facebook, but it'd great for us (and you guys, I hope) to have some idea of what kind of events we do throughout the year.
We've done 5 so far (I think) which we'll fill in shortly.

We're hanging it up in the shop next week, and will keep updating it throughout the year.
This DOES NOT mean that the quality of our events programme will be in any way affected. We will continue to put on a varied and hopefully interesting selection of events which we hope will appeal to you (our customers). We'll just do more of them.
As always, we really do appreciate your feedback, so if you have any ideas or suggestions for things we could put on in the bookshop (or anywhere else for that matter), please please let us know.

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