Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Launch Party of Joseph D'Lacey's amazing Black Feathers

Friday April 5th 6.30pm-9.00pm

We are delighted that Joseph D'Lacey is joining us to celebrate the publication of Black Feathers, his extraordinary new novel.

It is the Black Dawn, a time of environmental apocalypse, the earth wracked and dying.
It is the Bright Day, a time long generations hence, when a peace has descended across the world.
In each era, a child shall be chosen. Their task is to find a dark messiah known only as the Crowman. But is he our saviour – or the final incarnation of evil?
I was very lucky to be sent a review copy of this by the publishers, Angry Robot.
It's a beautiful combination of folklore, fairytale and dark apocalyptic fiction. Set over two very different time periods, one modern day, the other generations into the future, it follows the journeys of Gordon and Megan. Although there are hundred of years separating them, both are searching for the elusive Crowman. Some say he will bring destruction to the world, others say he is the planet's saviour, but all Gordon and Megan know is that they must find him.
The book's a real treat, and it's definitely the most accomplished of Joseph's novels to date (and I've read them all). If you haven't read his stuff before, this would be a wonderful introduction. Joseph's a great storyteller and this shines through in Black Feathers. 
So come along and join Joseph on April 5th and meet one of my favourite authors of all time.
It's FREE and there will be refreshments aplenty.
If you're unable to make it and would like a signed copy, it's available to pre-order here.

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