Saturday, December 08, 2007



'I hope someone unwraps the kitty litter soon...'

Having spent the last 18 days putting together the opening stock order, I thought it was about time I left the house and stretch my legs. I didn't much fancy cycling so I caught a bendy bus to Oxford Street. I had a copy of Stunt Monkeys by Martin Chatterton to keep me amused on my journey.
First stop was my old stomping ground, the Waterstone's near Tottenham Court Road. Once I'd got past all the Sharon Osbournes and Booky Wooky Books, I had a good catch up with my uniform wearing ex-colleagues. I tried not to put them off too much...
Then, my first trip to Crockatt and Powell in Lower Marsh. Adam and Matthew certainly have the right idea, and by the number of customers they had whilst I was in there, and by their enthusiasm and excellent customer service and their carefully and well picked stock, it was like a breath of fresh air from the big W.
I nicked up to Thames and Hudson publishers after that to drop in some chocolate and to catch up with some friends, and then after a visit to John Lewis to buy a coffee maker for the shop I visited the 'New' Waterstone's on Oxford Street. This is the latest 'New' branch on Oxford Street (the last 'New' one closed down earlier this year).
Whilst the shop was very busy, to be honest, it didn't look like a Waterstone's. With the neutral white shelving and lack of branding, it could have been a Border's or a Blackwell's if you didn't know any better. Maybe this doesn't matter any more, but it's certainly in a prime location.
Then a quick trip to the pub with Katie to see Mark, another friend who's jumped from the good ship W............and then home to bed.


  1. "Adam and Matthew certainly have the right idea, and by the number of customers they had whilst I was in there, and by their enthusiasm and excellent customer service and their carefully and well picked stock, it was like a breath of fresh air from the big W."

    I trust that they have moved on from the ranting, customer-complaining-on-their-blog, derogatory attitude they first adopted when they opened. After they stole from the company that sacked them, that is.

  2. saying stuff like this an remaining anonymous suggests you have some personal problem with them. Why don't you take it up with them....

  3. Was very good to meet you Simon.

    We love people that do stuff. Can't wait to return the visit...
