Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I didn't need the chequebook

It's a relief to know exactly what's going on. Our solcitor redeemed himself today. He took us through everything that had been done already and explained what was holding stuff up. It appears that once this document gets back to him he can then ask for our bank to send him the cash to pay for the premium on the shop and the rent/deposit. This should (should) be all sorted out by the end of next week, in which case we'll exchange early the following week.
He said we would, at worst, have the keys in 2 weeks time. Can you remind me about this in 2 weeks time please! So that's that then. It just leaves us to make sure this document keeps moving so that it gets to the solicitor as soon as possible.

I was reminded by a reader called Regina the other day about the name of this blog. 'Open A Bookshop, what could possibly go wrong'. She suggested that like the law of Attraction the phrase 'Go Wrong' could be the thing that's making things Go Wrong. She suggested changing the name and to focus on the positives.
Well the name's staying, but we'll be concentrating on the first 3 words a lot more than the last 2 over the coming weeks. As the Marvel-lous Stan Lee would say 'Face Front, True Believers'. Nuff said!

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