Wednesday, January 30, 2008

just so you know.


The business advisor is wating for our solicitor to reply to her phone messages. Our solicitor has taken a day off (he's probably queuing to get tickets for High School Musical 'live', or something completely unrelated to that), so we have to wait another day for progress reports. This final stage is painfully slow, but everyone seems to be pulling in generally the same direction now. I think when our solicitor told us a couple of weeks ago that we'd have the keys by the end of January, he forgot he was talking to the 'what could possibly go wrong' twins.

I can't even afford a new pair of shoes

The Monkees first appeared on TV 40 years ago today, hence the music....40 years.


  1. Read The Guardian article today and am mightily impressed. You're doing what I have mouthed off about for many years and I am overjoyed, excited and a bit jealous if I am honest. A friend and I are forever threatening to jack in our employed status and open our ideal bookshop. It's so good to see someone actually doing it.

    Re: shoes... can't help with actual cash but can offer this snippet of advice- buy more Converses. They are Timelord trainers, and will equip you with adventuring spirit and infallability.

    Good luck with it all, and we will trek Wood Green-wards to pay homage and go green with envy as soon as you are up and running...

  2. Man, you had those shoes when you worked with me....

  3. Gret to hear a new bookshop opening. Lived near Wood Green years ago when my children were small, not that you need to know that really, and though i now live in Colchester and children grown up, I will make the journey northwards one weekend to drop by and see you in all your glory.
    Good luck to you both
