Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ooh Ahh, just a little Bet, Ooh Aah just a Little Bet More...

So the bookish betting bonanza is about to begin.
There are 3 contestants.

1. Simon 'spongebob' Key
2. Scott 'the bulldog' Pack
3. Gary 'Fat Tuesday' Davidson.

A reminder that we'll be each waging a(imaginary) quid each day on something, announcing it on our blogs before 1pm, and proving how stupid it is to waste money on gambling.

I'll try and keep a running total of how North London's hairiest is doing for you all to ignore.

In other news, totally unrelated (again) to books, we bought a Bumbo seat for Freya today. Look at how lovely she is.
Yes, she is by far the prettiest baby ever to have existed, isn't she.

1 comment:

  1. Ironically I had a bet on the winner of your race. Should have picked that one for the competition really.
