Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Filmy Votey Thingy

we're doing lots of non book events type activities at the moment.

One of them is that we're working in conjunction with the wonderful Haringey Council to raise the profile of the Wood Green International Short Film Festival.
This is another thing that Wood Green should be very proud of, and as such we want to help highlight it's wonders.
To this end, we're going to be turning into a cinema for a week from the 16th to the 19th of March. Each night we'll be showing a film in the shop for free (or close to free) to our customers. We'll even provide popcorn (sweet and salty)
Now we know what 2 of the films are going to be, but we want you to decide the other 2 from this longlist. Please feel free to vote and please encourage others to vote too.
You can also diss the longlist. I'm rhino like in my skin thickness.
The Filmy Votey Thingy is up there on the right.


  1. Voted and done (Princess Bride). I blogged about your blog yesterday at http://www.scribblecitycentral.blogspot.com (Tim got a mention too, so no jealousy), and I was REALLY nice about you. So be grateful and go and take a look. It's under Blogroll Amnesty Day btw. Lucy x

  2. Voted WICKER MAN - its pure burning genius.

    Love the shop - ever though of doing some live music stuff - I'd be really up for it


  3. Persepolis! I have just started reading the graphic novel...er... but feel free to discount my vote if there is a tie. I'm a little too far away to attend even though I really wish I could.

  4. They're not Short Films - or does "Short Film Festival" mean a Film Festival only 5 days long !

  5. Thanks Lucy, you're lovely.

    Matt, we do have music events in the shop, give us a ring.

    Jambuku, every vote counts, so thanks.

    Balders, the festival itself is for short films. Yeah, i know we're showing long films, but it's just to raise the profile of the Festival in the area. I hope it works!

  6. Great idea! I voted for Sleuth, though very tempted by several others like Sideways and Being John Malkovich. O Brother was tempting too – not least because kids currently doing Classics GCSEs are studying the Odyssey. And because I love the soundtrack. Hmm...maybe I should have picked that? My ANTI-vote would be Life Is Beautiful – though I don't really qualify to comment on it as I could get through more than 15 minutes of it.

  7. I voted for The Princess Bride because Matilda wants to see it again.


  8. obviously, no-one would use three dozen different browsers to vote repeatedly for any particular fillum.

    no we wouldn't - inconceivable!

    (this falls under "vote early and vote often", as opposed to "i don't care who votes, i care who counts the vote")

