Thursday, April 08, 2010

Month Off

Hello, it's been a while hasn't it.
I decided to take a month off from the blog, as it was beginning to feel more like a chore than the fun fun fun it set out to be. With Ollie being born, this has taken up a lot of my time (in the nicest possibble way), and it seemed like the best time to take a break.
Anyway, i'm back now, so you'll just have to put up with this nonsense again.

So, what's going on in the shop? Well quite a lot actually.

  • You know all about the Bloggers Book of the Month. Well that's going from strength to strength and the Bloggers are choosing some really interesting titles. One or two of the choices haven't sold, but all in all it's been a really popular display.
  • We're going to hold a Literary Festival in July in Wood Green. We're at a VERY early stage of organising this, but the idea is to make this a real community based event. We've had a very positive response to this so far and we're going to be pulling the strands together next week. If anyone feels the urge to offer their services, follow that urge and get in touch.
  • We've organised some beastly thing called The Hackney Horror Show. We've hired out a theatre in Stoke Newington (that's in Hackney) and we've persuaded 3 top kids horror writers to put on a show for what will hopefully be 250 excitable teenagers. The horror writers in question are William Hussey , Sam Enthoven and Steve Feasey. This will be held on Friday April 23rd at 7.00pm and it's going to be awesome. It'll be a free event and everyone is welcome. There'll be more details next week on the website, so look out for that.
  • We had a lovely time selling books at the Middlesex University Literary Festival. Highlights for me were Laura Dockrill, Simon Price and the magnificent Ramsey Campbell. I wish more people knew about it because it's a really good festival in a lovely venue.

there's other stuff too, but i'll save that for next week.

We had a 10% off everything day for people who follow us on Facebook and people who check out the website and also we've given away a few books on twitter, so if you want to get the full Big Green Experience then..
Twitter =@biggreenbooks
Facebook = A Decent Bookshop in Wood Green (revisited)
Website =

Not my best blogpost, but it takes a bit of time to warm up....stick with me.


  1. I want to assist! I'll come by and let you know.

  2. I stopped in yesterday to give you back 'Brooklyn' and offer you Tao Lin's 'Shoplifting from American Apparel' if you were interested, but some stranger was in there! Imagine.

    Would be interested in helping out with a 'literary festival', whatever that may be.

  3. I'm happy to help out with a literary festival. Let me know what I can do.
