Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rumours of our Closure are Greatly Exagerrated

Hello. I have worked this weekend. I have also eaten a lot of dry roasted peanuts, but really that has nothing to do with anything.

We weren't expecting that much custom on Saturday, as this was the day of the March for the Alternative to Cuts Protest in London. Many, many of our regular customers took part in the march and so we expected it to be a bit quieter. However, although it was quieter than previous weeks, it was still busier than usual, and as far as i'm aware only one of our regulars was arrested.

Sunday was Board Games day, and once again we saw some new faces in the bookshop. Hello new faces.

There was aslo an article in the Observer on Sunday, written by Robert McCrum, which suggested that THE BIG GREEN BOOKSHOP HAD BEEN FORCED TO CLOSE . I would like to make it very clear that we are very much open and if you don't believe me I suggest you buy a book from the shop and see what happens. I bet you'll end up with a book.

This week is, as usual mad busy.
Monday. We are off to Lea Valley Primary School in Tottenham, with author Jonny Zucker
Tuesday. We have hired the Bernie Grant Arts Centre out and organised for 300 kids from 6 different schools to meet Mr Gum author Andy Stanton.
Wednesday. It's our Writers Group
Thursday. This is the day of the Society of Young Publishers benefit party for us.
Friday. We are Storytelling and singing songs for the under 5's.

As well as all this, we have to order, invoice and deliver 6 school orders, put together parcels to deliver to all the children in the care of Haringey Council, finalise 5 new author events that we have ready, put in the new Bloggers Books of the Month and I have a 1200 word piece to write for a magazine. Oh and run the bookshop too.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.

We've reached 80%. Amazerama. Staggerballs. Brillitastic.

With the last few days before the Strugglometer bids us farewell, it is still (just about) possible for us to reach our 'relative safety' target. I will be, as ever, doing all I can to get news of our appeal out there. But, as ever, I'm relying on you to help us out.


  1. I am dizzy just reading about your busyness! Keep up the great work and the very entertaining blog.

  2. Very pleased to hear that Robert McCrum got his 'news' so badly wwrong - (wonder where he obtained that quotation from the bookshop owner? surely a journalist wouldn't put words in someone else's mouth?!) Keep up the inspirational work with so many young readers. Makes me wish I wrote children's books.
