Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Wood Green Literary Festival. PLEASE READ THIS.

It's the Wood Green Literary Festival this weekend!

Six months of planning, sleepless nights, thrills, disasters and fun and now it's almost here.
The most ambitious and ridiculous thing we've ever done and we want to thank you for all the help we've had. Once again, you've been amazing.

So here it is, the final plea.  
  • Do you live in London
  • Do you know anyone who lives in London?
  • Are you able to communicate?
  • Can you spare a few minutes to use these communication skills?
The more people who know about the Festival, the more people are likely to turn up. OK?
And that's kind of the whole point of the Festival. 

So, if you're on Twitter, Facebook or if you have a blog or a website. Perhaps you're a publisher, an author, a human or an antelope. 

An antelope, yesterday.
Please help us tell as many people as possible about the Festival. 

It's a lot to ask, I know, but go on. Please. 

Here is (pretty much) the whole line up in one handy blogpost. It has taken me ages, what with all the links and stuff.
That alone should warrant a round of applause. 

Saturday October 12th

Sunday October 13th

Stuff for Younger People
 (although everyone is invited to everything*) 
All kids events are being held at Noel Park Primary School.

Saturday October 12th

London’s biggest and most explosive songs and stories for under 5s (and older if you like).
Join in the fun with Tim and friends, as he entertains your little ones in his own inimitable style.
Here’s your chance to witness something quite remarkable.
The award winning writer, author, actor, singer and oh, I don’t know, lots of other things too will be joining us for an hour of spectacular entertainment.
How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth with Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley
Does your mammoth need a wash? I imagine if it was woolly it probably would. Thankfully Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley have written a very useful book which will show you how to do it!
Comic Book Workshop with Zoom “The Zoom” Rockman
We’re thrilled to be putting on a comic workshop event with the amazing Zoom Rockman, creator and artist of ‘The Zoom’ comic.
Sally Nicholls Exclusively Reveals her New Novel, Close Your Pretty Eyes.
Sally Nicholls is the multi-award-winning author of novels including the bestselling Ways to Live Forever and All Fall Down.
In her new book, Close Your Pretty Eyes, Sally has weaved a story around real-life Victorian mass-murderess Amelia Dyer. The book isn’t published yet, and the Festival will be the first opportunity you’ll have to get your hands on copies!
Monsters, Magic and Mayhem with Sam Enthoven, Steve Feasey and Conrad Mason.
Demons, trolls, vomiting bats, werewolves, elves, hybrid monsters. This has it all! Meet three of our most magical kids authors for an hour of out of this world fun. Sam, Steve and Conrad will be taking you through their fictional worlds, chatting about fantastical fiction and offering great advice to anyone interested in writing.


Sunday October 13th 
Ciaran Murtagh – The Man, The Legend, The Author
Have you ever watched The Legend of Dick and Dom?
How about Hotel Trubble or The Slammer?
Maybe you’ve watched Planet Ajay, , Shaun the Sheep or The Numtums?
Well how about The 4 O’Clock Club, Dennis and Gnasher, Tickety Toc or even Mr Bloom’s Nursery.
If you have, there’s a very very good chance that Ciaran Murtagh wrote the script to it. Because that’s just one of the things that he does!
Uncovering Ancient London with Catherine Johnson and Lydia Syson
Together, and maybe with your help, Catherine and Lydia will be talking about how they’ve used London as a location in their novels and the importance of building a realistic sense of place for their readers. There’ll be fascinating insights into how they researched for their books and no doubt a few surprises on the way.
45 minutes of Ellie May-hem with Marianne Levy
Here are some things you need to know about Marianne Levy
She likes cheese
She owns a horrible cat called Boots*.
When she was young she wanted to be an incredibly famous actress
Thankfully she isn’t an incredibly famous actress, because if she was, her amazing Ellie May books might not exist
Edgy Fiction, with Keren David and Hilary Freeman
There’s a big debate about the way some modern Young Adult fiction tackles gritty realistic subjects, and a number of people have questioned whether teenagers should be exposed to it like this. Recently, American Library censors were targeting this genre and removing titles from their shelves.
Thankfully, there are authors like Keren David and Hilary Freeman, who despite this, continue to write realistic, thought provoking books, which don’t shy away from tough subjects.
Have You Got the LONDON FACTOR?
With Holly Smale, Sophia Bennett and CJ Daugherty
Do you want to have a character in a book named after you?
Do you want to go for a slap up meal with on of the UK’s most exciting new authors?
Now’s your chance!!

*except that Filth business at the Karamel on Saturday night

I make that 35 events. 


thanks. x

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