Thursday, April 24, 2008

Big Green Wednesday (and gloomy Thursday)


Fiona Dunbar came to entertain a class of kids from West Green School yesterday. This was the first in our Big Green Wednesdays, and it was great fun. Fiona turned up as I was putting the chairs out, and sticking the posters up, and had thankfully brought her own copies of Toonhead with her, (as the publishers were out of stock when we tried to order them). With everything set up, the slightly bedraggled class arrived resplendent in their light reflective tabards (health and safety), and shuffled in awkwardly. Once they'd all settled down in their seats ('miss, miss, can I sit next to sienna miss?' etc), Fiona told them a number of great stories and kept them entertained, as Tim shook off his hangover by sneaking into the office and playing with his spreadsheets. The time flew by and Fiona almost ran out of time for questions, but we did manage to squeeze a few in.

I hope she had a good time. We certainly did, and we're really encouraged that this could be a really good thing to do.

Today. It rained.

We were also supposed to have a teacher's evening tonight. We didn't.
Lesson 1. Don't book a teacher's evening on the one day in 15 years that teachers go on strike.
Lesson 2. Remind the teachers that there's a teachers evening.
Lesson 3. Expect nothing and you may exceed expectations, but you may get what you expect.

Onwards and upwards.


  1. I'm so glad Green Wednesday went well! I'm up to my elbows in revision currently (exams, booo!) but I shall endevour to put in an afternoon next week (after Wednesday's exam)
    Missing the shop and hope to see you both soon!
    Nina x

  2. How sad (annoying?) about the teachers ... and I promise to come up and see you one of these fine days ... there must be some kind of necessary symmetry between SW11 (where I live) and N22 don't you think?

    Do you think 'necessary symmetry' could become the new math(s)?

  3. hey, your big green wednesday sounded like a blast! how did you manage to fit an entire (rather damp)class into the shop?
