Monday, April 20, 2015

Quiz Night - April 24th

Friday April 24th 7.30pm
The Return of the Big Green Bookshop Almost Monthly Quiz

£10 a team. BUY TICKETS HERE

Yes. Quite believably it has been more than a month (probably closer to two years) since our last quiz.
But we now have a new plan.
Our comedy nights have been so successful that the organising of them is now a major commitment, and our lovely organiser and host Chris Brosnahan (who also holds down a full-time job, is a budding author, does stand-up elsewhere, and runs our critique writing group) is under a lot of pressure to deliver every month. So we have decided to do the comedy every two months to ease the strain.
So we have invited the equally lovely Ben Sohawon to host a general knowledge quiz on the alternate months. Starting this very month.
Exciting, isn’t it?
So warm up your brain cells and get your cleverest friends together. Oh and ....
There’s a £60 prize up for grabs
It’s only £10 for a team of up to four people, and tickets are available here. 
It’s a bring your own refreshments affair. Although there might be some refreshments available on a donation basis.

Zoe Williams - May 1st

Friday May 1st 7.00pm
Zoe Williams in conversation.
With the general election fast approaching, we are delighted that celebrated Guardian columnist Zoe Williams joins us at The Big Green Bookshop to discuss her latest book Get It Together: Why We Deserve Better Politics. The book is a rousing call to arms for us all to play our part in creating a more equal society. 
In the book Zoe addresses many key questions including:
Has the NHS had its day?
Who broke the bank?
Has an immigrant taken your job?
Why can so many people not afford a house?
Have we left it too late to avoid the environmental apocalypse?
Who got us into this mess?
She brings together all the arguments that occupy the current political landscape and offers a road map for a better future in an accessible and truly entertaining way.
Zoe will be in conversation with Literary Death Match’s very own Suzanne Azzopardi.
There’ll be a chance to ask Zoe questions and she’s very happy to sign copies of her book for you.
Tickets are now available at just £3 (HERE) and ticket holders will be able to get the book at the discounted price of just £11.99 (RRP £14.99).