Friday, March 07, 2008

I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night


To sleep, perchance to dream... I wish I could do more of the first, and less of the second. It's early in the morning and there's some light drizzle going on outside. The weather forecast suggests Maisy Mouse might get a little damp tomorrow (if she arrives today).

Still lots to do, but the good news is we finally got the sign yesterday. It's a big one alright, and I think that astronauts will be able to see where we are from space. Now all we've got to do is put it up.

Yesterday we had some great help again, and people came in throughout the day to pick up flyers to distribute, help put books out, and obviously bring us chocoalate based treats.

James and Clare were both here again. James alphabetasized the Fiction section and Clare as well as shopping, cutting up the flyers (don't by a guillotine form Wilkinson's) started to put the Kids section in some kind of order.No mean feat.

In the evening Tim and Kat turned up to offer help
, and also were the excuse we needed to get the beers in.

Katie made up a hundred goodie bags, which are all filled with delights and treats for kids of all shapes and sizes.

We painted the outside of the shop (dark green), the sticks for the balloons arrived (but not the balloons), the skip is still outside the shop, the oder from the States arrived, and we're now flying solo on the computer, as Marin the Bertam's Trainer has nicked off to spread his teachings elsewhere.

And we've got a sofa It's not green.

Lots to do today, and once again thanks for all the messages of support. It makes us smile.


  1. Ah, on my knees doing hard graft...

  2. Are you going to play music in the BIG GREEN BOOKSHOP that's as good as the music you play on your blog?

    I do hope so ... .

  3. Love the music! That Littlest Hobo song is cool....Good luck for tomorrow lads - I'm sure it will be go as swimmingly as very fast fish (not that I can think of any particularly fast fish at the moment....).

  4. Good luck from all of us at Fidra - I'm seriously (well almost) considering getting the early train so that I come and admire the shop on your opening day. I am absolutely thrilled for you and can't wait to see it and you when I'm down in The Smoke in April.

  5. Well all these finishing touches are exactly what the last minute was made for! Good luck for tomorrow guys, I hope you have an amazing day and the shop gets off to a perfect start. Wish I could stop by to say 'Hi' but my little shop is a bit too far away - next time I'm down your way I'll have to pop in for some hints and tips!

  6. Good luck everyone, it's been exhausting following your heroic efforts, and we're sorry we can't be there tomorrow - but I understand Mary Cavanagh will be, so please say hi from us!

    We've posted something on our blog telling everyone there is only one place to be tomorrow.

    We want to see four figures on the till by the end of the day of course!

  7. As we are in New Zealand we can't be there,but Tim and I here at Market Books wish you all the very best for you tomorrow.One day we will get there to see the shop in real life.Have a wonderful day

  8. Best of luck for today guys - will be thinking of you and hope it all goes well. Will come and see you as soon as I can.
