Saturday, March 08, 2008

Right Then


I slept surprisingly well. Those sedatives must have finally kicked in. It's 8.15am and I've got a tickly throat. Don't tell Tim, but I think i'm going to take a sickie...

Alright, i'll go to work.

Everything arrived yesterday, and once again, we had lots of people coming in to help. Here's Finn blowing up one of the 1000 balloons that we have, declaring The Big Green Bookshop. Wood Green's Only Bookshop. Thanks Finn, and everyone else who's been in over the last 16 days. You all rock.

I'll make it short today, because I need to learn how to use the till, and also I have to get a float sorted. And there are about 34 other things to do on the list, but we should be OK.

Here's a picture that we thought you might like..

I'll put a big blog up tomorrow. Fingers crossed eh?


  1. Hope your opening day is all you expect it to be. Have fun...I'm there in spirit if not in body.
    All the best. :D

  2. Congratulations on opening "Wood Green's Only bookshop" there was a great atmosphere in the shop this morning.

    Shona (8) said "I liked my Goody Bag" And Rowan (5) was delighted with her Michael Rosen book (about Goonies!)

    Daddy... (Me(50)) is really happy that there is a new independent bookshop close to home. Good Luck with all you do - see you again soon!

  3. Hi guys,

    Hope everything went well today! Love the sign (and the picture of it!) and looking forward to tomorrow's blog.


  4. I really don't know what all the fuss is about.

    G d L

    PS Keep on keepin' on.

  5. Hope it all went well today, we were thinking about you, was sorry that I missed it. The sign looks fantastic, you definitely made the right choice with the typeface, it looks so fresh and brilliant! Looking forward to popping in soon.

  6. Bet you're knackered.

    Hope day was good and all well.

    Congratulations on getting to opening - now the fun should really begin!!!

  7. Truely had an interesting hour going through the titles. Promised I would by myself something new to read but 5 books well you must have hit the spot. Well done to all involved in the outcome...this was a great retail experience. Thanks and good luck for you future

  8. congrats on getting there! great photo! i will try to pop in next time i'm in the neighbourhood ... and buy a pile of books!
