The first of our open
meetings to discuss the Wood Green Literary Festival, which we are
organising this year, was a big success. We had a great group of people turn up
who put forward some great suggestions & ideas for us to think about.
The second of these
meetings is on Tuesday February 19th at the Bookshop. Everyone
is welcome.
The evening with Tracey Thorn on March 6th
has sold out already. We are considering looking for a bigger venue, but we very
much want it to stay LOCAL. If you have any suggestions of where might be a
suitable venue, please get in touch.
This being the case,
we have started a reserve list, for people who would like tickets if more
become available.
IF YOU’D LIKE TO BE PUT ON THE RESERVE LIST. Email enquiries@biggreenbookshop.com
or phone us on 020 8881 6767

We have just found out that Lauren Oliver, one
of America ’s
biggest Young Adult authors, is coming to the UK
in March for a couple of days. Naturally we got in touch with her publishers,
and she is now going to be visiting one of the local schools with us. This is
huge, by the way!
Lauren will be with us on the morning of March 19th
and she’s happy to sign and dedicate copies of her books for any of her UK
fans. We can send these out anywhere in the UK
with FREE P+P.
Not only that, but
she’ll be at the bookshop on the day, from 12.30-1pm to sign copies of her books too.
More information can be found on our website, here.
Here is the line up for our latest Comedy Night, on Friday
February 22nd

As ever, it's just a fiver to get in and you can bring your
own refreshments.
Your compere this month is, as ever, the wonderful Mr Chris
Brosnahan, who will be introducing you to the following acts;
Jarred Christmas : “ No worries, It was funny when you head butted me.”:
”One of the most naturally talented comedians I have worked
with, brilliant timing, warm and funny”. (Sally Holloway)
“The most cynical young comedian I’ve ever
met.” – Eddie Ifft
"Akerman is stunningly original, genuinely fresh, and
packs his show with more interesting asides and fascinating throwaway than
you’ll find in a dozen less ambitious stand up performances." Mathilda
Gregory, Fringe Guru
There may be a surprise guest this month too....
Tickets are available to buy here.
There’ll be another newsletter later this week, so keep your eyes
peeled for more exciting news…
Have a great week,
Simon, Tim, Tara and Katie