I'm back at the shop, and it's doing great. But what have we missed? Here's a thing or two that are interesting.
thing 1. Mister Mark Farley has decided to end his blog. Bookseller to the Stars was one of the first 4 blogs I looked at every morning. He was inspired sometimes, he was outrageous once in a while, he was a knob occasionally, but I always knew that he wrote from the heart. I will miss his daily meditations.
thing 2. I am another year older. Although technically i'm just a day older than I was the day before, but we like to compartmentalise these things don't we? Here's a cake what I got.

thing 3. There are a few new books that I like very much. The Grass Arena by John Healy

Reissued in the last day or two, this is a wonderful autobiography written in the 80's about a homeless guy who spent 15 years living rough, and found a form of escape by learning to play chess whilst in prison. His writing is so honest and stark, (and beautiful) and I suggest you phone us up and order a copy, or e-mail us. After all it was us who told you about it. Alternatively you could go to your local indie, and hope they have a copy.
Promise Not To Tell by Jennifer McMahon

I think this is going to sell a few copies, and I hope we can do it justice in the shop.
and here's a real hit for Summer.

£12.99 and it's yours. It's lovely..
thing 4. here's a picture of Freya

thing 5. Followers of this blog might be aware I like a flutter. It's hit and miss usually, but recently i've been doing rather well. If you look back to July 8th, you'll see that I gave you all a tip on the Tour De France, which has just finished. It was a brilliant tour and Carlos Sastre (I call him carlos ashtray for some reason), fully deserved to win. He took 2 minutes out of his rivals on stage 17 of the tour and although nobody expected him to hold on to his lead during the time trials, he was inspired and I'm delighed. The other bet i put on recently was on Ian Poulter each way in the Open Golf. He was 80/1 so although I hoped he'd win, I still got odd's of 20/1 for him finishing second.
Anyway a few months ago a fellow by the name of Scott Pack posted predictions for who would win or draw 8 football matches that were on that night. He likes a gamble... All 8 of them were correct, and I suggested to him he should add a thing on the blog with a daily/weekly tip to amuse/bore his readers. As he hasn't done this yet, and as I think it might be interesting, I shall take it upon myself to put a weekly tip on this blog on an event happening that week. Take it with a pinch of salt, and remember kids, Gambling's Stupid, but I think we're doing well enough in the shop for me to invest a quid or two on some nonsense. You never know, we might end up as millionaires.
There's an attachment thing on the right with this weeks prediction.
Thing 6. Last week was the busiest week we've had in the shop....ever.