Stickers-gummed labels- adhesive labels. We know what they are, and we've seen them in various guises on books in all the big shops.
The 3 for 2 sticker is very succesful, and seems to work very well at getting people to buy that extra book.
Obviously the money off sticker is a vital way of letting the public know that the publisher realises that it's whacked on a few quid and knows you're not really going to pay almost £19 for a dreadful biography of someone whose only real claim to fame is that he flashed his willy on Underwater Celebrity Puppy Grooming (or a book written by a Top Gear presenter).
I don't have a problem with stickers, as long as they come off. Who wants to have a book with a £8 off sticker permanently glued to the cover?
So we come to Richard and Judy...inevitably. They big and famous and we listen to stuff they tell us. They make a book club and then The Yummy Chocolate sponsored book awards give one of the authors from their book club lots of sweets and some cash (probably). Richard and Judy, mmmmm. Chocolate, mmmmm.
Sorry about that.
So, obviously there's some cache in being on the R and J shortlist, and publishers like to boast about the fact that they have books on this list, and as such, make sure that their book has a sticker which says (i'm paraphrasing here) 'Ooh Richard and Judy like us .Look Look Look!'.
Now this sticker is designed to encourage people to buy the book from the shop. Once that's happened, it's job is done, and it can retire to a small cottage in the Welsh hills, safe in the knowledge that it's life hasn't been wasted. The person who chose the book can now peel the sticker from the book, and roll it into a thin tube (stick it in their mouths and pretend it's a cigarette), and throw it away.
BUT NO!!!!
We have some of the list in the shop, all with the stickers on. Except one. The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway (no relation to George). The sticker design has actually been printed on the cover of the book! It is now part of the cover! This is..excuse my wotsits..fucking ridiculous. Atlantic (the publishers) had someone design this wonderful cover...
and then, when they heard that R and J had chosen the book they had something like this printed on the front cover. I ask you......I must stress this is printed on. It's not a sticker, it's there for good. Pillocks...
In other news, I had a strange note pushed through my door this morning. It appears that Sam Enthoven, author of the rather marvellous Black Tattoo, and Tim Defender of the Earth has been Trapped By Monsters in a cave with 7 other authors.
Don't believe me? Then click on this strange babble. 'fkjeohgnoihrlknoiuq' and all will be revealed. Tell your kids...they may be able to help.