Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Things I Have Learned Today (or is it learnt)


1. I am not legally allowed to talk to the shop's landlord's solicitor.
2. I shouldn't have told my solicitor that i'd talked to the shop's landlord's solicitor.
3. I shouldn't listen to anyone who suggests I call the shop's landlord's solicitor.
4. Since requesting free stuff and/or bestseller lists from you lovely people my postman has stopped whistling such a perky tune in the mornings (thanks).
5. It really doesn't matter what day in November it is. Every night is fireworks night in Wood Green.
6. Trying to obtain account opening forms from 'Haphazard Residence'(6,5) using their website isn't much fun.
7. I should have left the house today.


I Haven't learnt a thing today. but my thoughts on Simon's education are...

1. I did not know that
2. Really?
3. If we had known 1 & 2 this would have been obvious
4. I have joined the RSPCP (Royal Soc for the Prevention of Cruelty to Postmen)
5. Fireworks? Thank goodness, I'll come out from under the table
6. Eh?
7. It was such a nice day, it seemed a shame to go out and spoil it.

Harry can burp his ABC...


Akasha Savage. said...

What are you two on?

Your blog made me laugh soooo much!

June said...

I think what you are doing is brilliant and I only wish I lived nearer so I could come along on your opening day to cheer you on. I read the piece on the bookseller today and will email my publisher tomorrow and ask them to get in touch ....

Ben said...

"Haphazard Residence" ... "heed crazed piranhas"?

Sound advice, but not helpful under the circumstances.

Simon Key said...

Akasha, Glad you like the blog. Hope you come and visit us when we open.
June, Next time you're in London we'd love you to come and see us. You could bring some signed stock!
Ben, Haphazard Residence (6,5). A publishing house of similar stature to Penguin. I'm saying nothing more.

June said...

Thanks for the comment Tim/Steve - will certainly do that - have asked my publisher Authors OnLine to contact you by the way, since they may have an interesting business proposition ....

Simon Key said...

Oi Tim, who's this Steve?

June said...

Whoops, meant to say Simon of course ...