Jake certainly knows how to write a novel, and this is a real gem. It's a bit of a departure from his previous books and it revolves around two facinating characters. Major-General Sir Hector Macdonald, war hero of the British Empire and on his way to be court martialled for charges of homosexuality and Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast and 'Wickedest man in the World' . The book begins with these two characters meeting 'by chance' in the dining room of the Hotel Regina in Paris. From there they set off into the night together, where the full tragedy of Fighting Macs situation unfolds.
The meeting between the two actually occured, and Jake has taken this and weaved a wonderful story from it. But don't take my word for it, go and buy it.
My camera has finally decided to give up completely, so for your information, Jake was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt, about 25 people turned up and we drank approx 4 or 5 bottles of wine between us. Very restrained.
I'll be looking for a replacement camera in time for Will Self next week.
I'm also on a bit of a roll, and have been putting together some brilliant new events for July -September for which you will no doubt all join us for.
Susan Boyle will not be involved in any of these events
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